
"ZA doesn't fuck for free."

I'm so glad this was said before I chimed in. A couple of people have been asking me to type something out about this whole ZA fiasco before it starts ever since I stopped writing my long winded inspirational posts, and now that we have a date and Tuesday is fast approaching, it's about time that I do.

I REALLY think by the way people are chatting that the consensus is that ZA will be free lootz and I've heard that some raid guild downed the whole thing in 2.5 hours or something like that. There's something that needs to be said about these guilds before you go thinking this is cake.

The guilds doing this are HIGH END raid guilds. These guys have cleared or are on BT. The reason WHY they're on the PTR beating the shit out of these instances is because its the ONLY content they haven't seen. These guys are over geared, and they're fucking GOOD at what they do. They don't make the same mistake twice, and they know the strategies. They are clearing it because their world ranking will depend on how fast they can clear it. So they get all the practice they can so that the second the PTR goes live, they have it cleared THAT day.

Zul Aman will not fuck for free. Let's put bosses in perspective: Prince is a tank and spank boss. We move around occasionally for dead spots (no different that lots of bosses, the dead spots just look different). But ultimately he's tank and spank. Prince has roughly 1.1 million hps.

The FIRST two bosses of ZA have 1.3 and 1.7 million hit points.

They will NOT be easy. Look how long the prince fight is, now add another few hundred thousand hit points. Now also figure that the bosses are doing MORE damage that whole time. and they have goofy phase transitions with more complicated phases.

People are going to need to get their shit together. Look how many raid guilds on our server are stalled on SSC. They've done the gruul and such but get stuck on the first bosses of SSC.

I've done the first bosses, they're EASY by comparison to the other ones. ZA IS as hard as SSC. I've looked at the loot. The healing helm drop is almost identical to my SSC one, minus some stats, but it adds some slots. So they are going to be just as hard to kill.

What this means is no more goofy specs and you're going to need to get your crap together. It's going to be back to consumables. Spec for what you're doing.

I personally will NOT go in healing as ret spec anymore. It's just plain fucking stupid. I do it in kara because it's a joke and I'm over geared. If I'm healing, I'm going to spec healing for that night. It has to be done. This goes for everyone.

Blues need to be replaced. If you're not in mostly purps or rocking at least a +1200ish heal AT THE VERY LEAST, you are a lead weight. This wont be something we can afford to take a couple of weak people into just because we're short. We simply don't have the spare raid slots.

That said, we CAN'T stop kara runs. While ALOT of people have all the gear or are only missing 1-2 pieces, we are in a position where we still need to gear up the other players. Kann and Tigo are still kickin it with Essence Focusers and Crystal pulse shields. They NEED a real healing mace and shield. And let's not even look at the rest of Tigo's gear. I single them out only because the healing mace was the first thing that popped into my head. I know other people are in a possibly similar situation.

(although I'll admit im pretty fucking impressed that with that PoS mace Kann has a +1600 heal, thats fucking impressive dude, now add +150 healing for the difference between your mace and a shard of the virtuous :) You'll be more than fine without it for now though, dont think i meant the mace thing like that)

Going to the ilhoof and netherspite: if something needs to be done, targeting chains or jumping in beams, there's no fucking around. You make the macros you need to make. You use them. You jump in fucking beams, you use the banish cube when it says, you jump in the fucking water when it sprays or whatever the hell is this bosses flavor of the week.

Because truthfully, if it comes down to it, the people that are willing to do this and DO do it are not going to want to take the people that don't. And it will really fucking suck to have to create an A team that goes to ZA and B team that gears up in kara just because a few people don't get their shit together.

On that note, on the attempts, I'm going to start recording fights again. So we'll know if you're fucking up :) DON'T. At least, don't do it repeatedly. Everyone makes mistakes and I accept that, but if you fuck up consistently, expect myself and everyone else to tell you. The stats will be public for everyone to peruse and berate others for their stupid mistakes. This goes for my mistakes too. Nobody is exempt.

That said, I'm fucking excited. Since I started running kara with you guys theres really only been the odd piece of gear here and there that I've needed and most of the stuff i've picked up is just my optional gear on side sets. I'm looking forward to real gear. And I'm excited because I know we're good enough to get it.

Wow, I swore a lot less writing this out than I did in my head when I said this to myself... Also, I would appreciate if you left a comment on your thoughts about this, because I get the idea that I'm on the same page as a lot of people, but that they weren't really willing to say it out loud just yet. I've said it now, so this is your chance to tell everyone if you agree :)


angelopappas said...

i don't feel dirty for having a crush on mel

angelopappas said...

on a serious note, mel is spot on. everyone needs to gear up to their highest potential. i'm talking gems, enchants, heroic badge rewards, cast sequence macros, practice on dr. boom (ranged casters), etc. people have been slacking on bringing specialty food, pots, oils, and flasks. we'll need everyone to come fully prepared. i'll be charging 15g a pop for mana pots if anyone comes asking on tuesday.

With that said, don't wait until tuesday to try and buy pots or mats for pots from the AH. work on that shit today, tomorow and monday. try and get a stock pile of whatever pots, flasks, and food you use. if you don't have a stockpile, work on it throughout the week, not on raid night.

Also, i anticipate there could be a surge in the demand for enchanting mats with all the new gear being looted (more gear will be replaced so the equip to DE ratio will be much greater than it is now). Now's the time to buy planar, prismatics, voids, and maybe certain primals.. either for speculation purposes or for an enchant that you may anticipate if you replace some gear.

EXODUS said...

im excited as fuck. I'm gonna be buying super mana pots, spell dmg food and major shadow dmg pots (or the new flask) so if any has these for sale let me know, also i have access to an herbalist if you let me know what i need to farm.

Also let me know if you know an item that i can get to replace anything i have, although im pretty sur ei have the best gear i can get (spellstrike hood would be a very minor upgrade)

and im happy that everyone will be on the chopping block, i'll be sure to definately do my part so if it does come down to an A-team thing, i'll be on it.

Melime said...

I really only brought up the gear thing just because I was stating a case to keep doing Kara even though we've done it to death. I need like 1 piece of gear for my healing set and then i literally have EVERY piece of healing plate from there so there's no upgrades, i need like 2 pieces for my tank set and 2 pieces for ret. These arent pieces i'd "like" to have, that's literally just the only possible upgrades for all 3 of my sets and I truthfully dont care too much if I get them since I know ZA will have replacements. And it hasnt changed much since I started. I'm running kara because I want others to get geared, and I know it'll generally be easier with me there because I know what I'm doing.

So relapse, don't worry about gear, you're fine :). But what i was saying is I want everyone to be where you're at where they have just about everything they need.

Also I should clarify things a little too: The A team, B team thing I brought up I realized I mentioned that it was about B team gearing up but it really had more to do with screwing around and not listening. Until we learn ZA and can do it really well, we need the people that will take it seriously which is why I mentioned the chains and beams.

Ilhoof and netherspite ARE easier than nightbane and prince. We've proved we can kill both and its nights where we attempt ilhoof 3-5 times and wipe before 50%, but then make *2* changes to the raid roster, and then we kill ilhoof without a single death in 1 shot that make you realize theres a few people that aren't "giving it their all". It was more a call saying "make the fucking macro and use it" because we don't want to take the people that aren't willing to do simple things.

That said, I think the A team and B team thing would never be something official, but what you'd see happening is people groaning when certain people join a raid because they know that they just do their own thing and ignore boss queues to just keep dpsing, or keep healing, and not moving out of void spots etc.

I'd just be extremely disappointed if it got to the point where people refused to take certain people or refused to go themselves if certain people came. Because it's not hard, all you have to do is walk the walk and get the free loot at the end.

Bosses in warcraft are rarely about how much dps or healing you can do, they're about how well you can follow instructions.

Mack Daddy said...

Lets just all take our best attitudes, and hey, if we dont kill a boss, its cool, we are learning. In a few weeks we will be farming this place =D

That being said, lets def take our A game, and be willing to learn, and take a few wipes and repair bills. Im up for it.

Lubizinho said...

F'n Melime. You give me major wood.


EXODUS said...

melime gave me mp5 and spell penetration :X

can anyone make flasks of pure death? I'd rather go the flask route instead of the battle and guardian elixir route since I figure we will be dying. Let me know the mats and i'll buy them. Thanks

Anonymous said...

jim carter can make flasks of pure death and your other pots. I can make wizard oil and mana oil. If you need me to make you any oil, mail me all the mats or catch me when i'm on.


Mack Daddy said...

I can make any food. such as +44 healing +30 stamina +20 agility, +23 spell damage +20 str. Just let me know in game, and i will fish some for ya.

Anonymous said...

I'm always on the lookout for Flasks of Relentless Assault. They don't sell often on the AH. Can anyone make them? I know Jim can't.
