
Coming soon...

An official announcement was made that patch 2.3 will be released next Tuesday. The following Tuesday, arena season 2 will end and the new season will start. This brings new opportunity to the guild as patch 2.3 introduces some new content to explore.

The major topic I'd like to mention is that of the new 10-man instance. Zul'aman is on a tier 4 and above level and will be a challenge. I'm looking forward to the attempts and progress that we can make. It's a chance to show ourselves and others what GM2 can do.

Patch 2.3 also adds new Badge of Justice awards. Karazhan now has a possible 20 badges per run. Zul'aman also has a 20 badges per run maximum. Each boss looks to be dropping 1-2 badges. This means that Kara isn't something that I'd like to drop. After all, ZA only has 6 bosses and has been cleared in around 2.5 hours.

I'm aware that Grommet suggested that we not read up on the new instance and attempt the place without prior knowledge. I must admit that I've developed a habit of reading everything and watching every video out there. So, I guess I shut my mouth and sit back and see how things go. I've always thought that even with strategies and videos, most guilds wipe a few times before actually pulling off a kill.

So, please comment on this topic and let us know how you feel about the new content. Let us know what you think about the time we should put in clearing Kara and also attempting ZA. Some of us are enjoying the one raid night a week concept. Maybe ZA is an after Karazhan place that we should attempt later in the night after GFA dissapears. With a little under a week left, let's hear it.

To end on one last note, I quote Angelo, "ZA doesn't fuck for free."



Grommet said...

Dude, obscuro, what's the deal with reading everything and watching videos? I thought we were going to all attempt this as a team and figure it out. You blew it.

EXODUS said...

dude im sooo in, but remember my school and please save me a spot in the ZA raids, you can sit me on on kara if you want, all i really need is a cape and a wand, and im sure ZA can satisfy those needs<3

Grommet said...

<3 <3 <3

Blacksoul said...

Hey Grommet, I read up on all of it before you mentioned you didn't want us to read about it. I don't have to give input on any of it. I can let you guys hack away at the promised fun ZA is.

Anonymous said...


angelopappas said...

I'm all boned up about ZA. judaclease got himself a sword and i think we're ready to go.
and as for kara? kara can fuck straight off. maybe I'll have better luck replacing my lvl 61 cloak in ZA.

angelopappas said...

any word on the kara timer being adjusted? is it still going to reset weekly?

suck my balls huntsman and e.m.a. prince

Mack Daddy said...

I would like to keep running Kara even after 2.3 for at least a little bit, if not JUST for badges. It takes less time and is easier then heroics, and it offers more badges, and better loot. If anything it will just give us some nice shards :P

By the way, My Warrior is coming to the server tomorrow, and i am looking forward to raiding with you guys.
Peace out Bros.

angelopappas said...

I'm at the stone, ready to summon.