
Want a real forum?

I hope I'm not stepping on toes, but I've taken the liberty of setting up an actual forums for guild use. I'd like everyone to play with it for a little bit and see what they think.


So go there, sign up for an account, I'll get the permissions set up as I go along (at first I'll have to add everyone manually to the guild roster, so there's some initial setup) but after that everything should be working fine.

To start out you wont be able to see much, but I'll log on at least a couple times a day to update permissions and then you'll be able to see and post in all the forums.

EDIT: I did it because with the way things are now, as we talk more, important posts on the front page get pushed off the bottom. This will be a way of preventing that from happening, and also separating raid related chat and general chat.

I just think it's a better interface since this is meant to be a blog. By all means if you hate it tell me, but I'd like everyone to at least give it a shot.


angelopappas said...

nice mel! now important subjects like like "Fuck Faces on top of ZA, in T minus 24" won't get buried by grommet's bullshit posts.

j/k.. stories of recent guild antics, and reminiscing about the past are more appropriate for a blog, where as discussion posts and announcements are more suited for a forum. thanks for taking the time to set this up.

Lubizinho said...

I've added the forum as a page element of the blog. The link to the forum should be at the top right of the blog.

Melime said...

well, the other reason is that as the guild gets larger, it'll just get too complex for this and too many things will be pushed off.

I mean, you have to admit, without going crazy and trying to actively recruit, the guild size has been growing steadily.

EXODUS said...

btw, in the poll i voted gkick grommet, but i really meant let them all in, must have misclicked ;)

Melime said...

on that note, i've copied that poll over to the forums in the guild chat channel so that there can be some actual discussion on it with people stating their case and such.