
The other side of +hit

There has been a lot of talk in the forums and among guild members about hit rating, what each class needs, and how to gear for it. It seems like i've been preaching about hit rating for as long as we've been running Kara, so, it may come as a shock to hear angelo talking about decreasing your hit rating for certain situations.. but that's what this post is all about.

A lot of us have been getting new gear with + hit on the item and replacing pieces of gear that are still really good, but just have a different set of stats. For boss fights, the trick is to figure out which pieces of gear will get you to your hit cap and also keep your other stats has high as possible. This can be tricky when you're weighing the pros and cons of several pieces of gear that go in different item slot. But, that's not what this post is about. This post is all about encounters where +hit is worthless, and equipping gear with the least amount of +hit and the most of +nuke.

The most obvious example of when hit is worthless is when we're fighting any piece of trash. For me, i need 202 to max out my hit on a 73+ boss, but only ~60 to max out on a lvl 72 elite trash. Therefore, if i'm fighting trash in my leet +hit pieces and not in my +nuke set, i'm holding back the raid. Trash isn't all too important, since for the most part they go down quick and easy.. but there are some tough trash pulls where all out nuking is helpful.

Other examples of when +hit isn't all too important are boss fights like the one we had last night in ZA. For AOErs +hit is as desirable as congealed duck butter on breakfast toast... same with illhoof. Before entering a fight, you should ask yourself what is most important for your role in the fight.. if it's taking care of adds, sport your nuke clothes.

In closing. I'd recommend everyone get an addon called 'wardrobe'. This addon allows you to easily create sets of gear for any situation. +fire resist set, pvp set, nuke set, boss set are the sets i currently use. It makes switching between as easy as selecting the set name, the addon does the rest.

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